
Two Ways to Give

Nordland offers two ways to help you tithe or donate. For those interested in regular, scheduled donations, we offer Simply Giving through Thrivent Financial (read more about Simply Giving below). For those interested in one-time, or more intermittent donations, we have included a Paypal "Donate" button in our sidebar and at the very bottom of our website.

Simply Giving is a reliable and safe direct-deposit giving program from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans – designed to help you automatically contribute to Nordland Lutheran Church. With Simply Giving, your gifts are made through pre-authorized withdrawals from your bank account. You can determine the frequency of your automatic gift – weekly, twice-monthly or monthly. Your gift is deposited into Nordland Lutheran’s bank account on the same day it is withdrawn from your account. To enroll, just print the enrollment form below, fill it out and return it to the Church Office or put it in the collection plate along with a voided check. Thank you! PS We now also have the "Go Fund Me" site listed on the right sidebar. Donations to this "Go Fund Me" account will specifically go towards our 150th anniversary celebration!